Sam Murgatroyd

About Sam

I'm a budding writer from Manchester, England. Growing up, I had a bit of a rocky journey with my mental health. It was tough, but I learned a lot from those experiences. I started writing what later turned into my first book when I was 14, primarily because I felt like I just didn't fit in with the world around me. Writing down my thoughts and ideas was like therapy for me, a way to make sense of things. And when I shared them with a few mates, they found it helpful too. That's when I realised that my early struggles weren't just obstacles; they were tools I could use to help others through my writing.

I initially began writing nonfiction and after releasing ‘Alienated’ decided to begin writing fiction. I decided to make this change not only to help depict my message further through characters such as in Robin’s Bench but also to be able to be more expressive of my ideas through the boundless world of fiction writing. All my life I have wanted to help others in whichever way I can, I have worked in mental health services, the probation service and also children’s care homes.

I'm on a mission to make a positive difference with my words, especially for those who feel out of place in this world, to show them they're not alone. I know what it's like to hit rock bottom, and I want to spread the word that there's always a way out. Sometimes it can be as simple as having a new way of looking at life.



Alienated Book Cover

Alienated is a powerful, thought-provoking book that offers a new lens to view the world through. It is packed with eye-opening perspectives and actionable wisdom to give the reader a clearer vision while navigating life’s complexities. This book challenges the world you thought you knew, using fascinating metaphors to deconstruct the world around us. The author also provides insights into his journey and past hardships that have molded the perspective he now holds.

Sam speaks about how he spent a lot of his life dealing with a continual sense of separation from everybody else, like he saw things in human nature that his peers never did. He never seemed to find his place, worrying that a complete change of character was necessary for acceptance. This vicious pattern of thought eventually led him to wander alone down a dark mental path with seemingly no way out.

He eventually switched his approach, from the ceaseless desperation of acceptance to embracing that very feeling of Alienation he has carried all along. It was from this point that he found fulfillment in his life. The only right thing to do was to spread his insights to readers around the world. Readers who may be currently wandering down that same dark path feeling like they have no place to fit in. This book might be the perfect solution to finding a deep connection to life despite feeling Alienated.

Alienated offers a fresh perspective on life, challenging conventional wisdom with eye-opening insights and actionable wisdom. Author Sam shares his personal journey from feeling disconnected to embracing his sense of alienation, ultimately finding fulfillment. This thought-provoking book provides readers with a new lens to navigate life's complexities, offering solace to those who feel adrift in a world that doesn't quite fit."